
Homeopathy is a type of natural treatment whose preparation uses the same substances that cause the symptoms of some diseases in very small quantities and can treat anything from the flu to depression, for example. This therapeutic method is governed by the general principle that “like cures like”.
Homeopathy is the only therapeutic theory of the 18th century still in use, a relic of medicine prior to the introduction of the experimental method in pharmacology and physiology by Claude Bernard. Its high dilutions contain no molecules and are considered more potent the more diluted they are. The history of pharmacy places homeopathy in its symbolic and metaphysical environment, which allows it, along with the reality of its cures, to resist all the criticisms directed at it by official medicine.
Until Claude Bernard published his Introduction to Experimental Medicine, medicine had been based on symbolic, metaphysical, or philosophical conceptions, a set of theories that disputed among themselves the truth and that were disqualified by arguments, not proofs. Homeopathy is the last of these theories, and it was formulated at the end of the eighteenth and beginning of the nineteenth century, in the prelude to microbial theory, cellular theory, atomic theory, evolutionary theory, and positivism.
What homeopathy can cure
Homeopathy is effective in numerous pathological processes, both acute and chronic:
ENT and respiratory tract diseases: flu, common cold, chronic rhinitis, allergies, etc.
Diseases of the digestive system: stomatitis, gingivitis, mouth ulcers, burning tongue syndrome, gastritis, etc.
Diseases of the musculoskeletal system: arthrosis, arthritis, sprains, muscle cramps, and all types of osteoarticular pain.
Diseases of the urinary system: recurrent urinary tract infections, recurrent cystitis, renal colic.
Gynecological diseases or problems: menstrual pain, premenstrual syndrome, menstrual cycle disorders, recurrent genital infections, candidiasis, dermatitis, and vulvovaginitis. Fertility problems.
Neurological problems: headaches and migraines, peripheral neuropathies, neuralgic pain (trigeminal and others). Sciatica. Insomnia, etc.
Ophthalmological problems: conjunctivitis, blepharitis, dacryocystitis, recurrent uveitis, recurrent styes.
Emotional problems: anxiety disorders and depression. Stress. Attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder.